450 Churches

450 Churches

450 Churches was born on a road trip around a small Greek island called Paros. It only takes an hour to drive from one end of the island to the other, yet there are 450 churches scattered amongst the towns and countryside. An old tradition stated that each family residing there should have a church to their name – dedicated to a specific Saint. Each year on the Saint Patron’s Day, a celebration will take place at the appropriate church. For the rest of the year, they remain quiet, which results in hundreds of unused, isolated churches dotted across the landscape. From small and simple to big and beautiful, these intriguing buildings can be found anywhere and everywhere. In the middle of fields, at the end of a dirt track and overlooking the sea – no land is too remote for the churches of Paros.

450 Churches was exhibited at two group exhibitions. Vertu (December, 2021) at the Holy Art Gallery and Ready to get physical (November, 2021) at the Photo Book Cafe (won 1st prize). I was also interviewed by the Holy Art Gallery about my work, which is linked below.